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1Fala hovered in the air, did not fly immediately to attack him.
2To the east, Raegar was urging the Dragon Fala for more speed.
3Fala plummeted into the sea, steam rising from her floundering body.
4The fresh supply of drinkable water has been contaminated, Aunty Fala intones wearily.
5Fala expected Kahg to turn tail and run, try to gain sky room.
6She took over from her grandmother to lead the Fala Masi Revival Project.
7Fala started to say something, but nothing came out except seawater.
8Kahg laughed at this, infuriating Fala to the point of madness.
9He was merely hoping to nettle Fala, lure her into giving him information.
10Holding the spiritbone of the Dragon Fala in her hand, Treia smiled derisively.
11The blast struck Fala in the chest and sent the startled dragon reeling.
12Treia would teach him the ritual or the Dragon Fala would teach him.
13Fala would be eager for a chance to have her revenge.
14Fala saw her friends start to doubt and turned on them in a rage.
15The gravelled floor was covered with prettily-ornamented mats of FALA (the screw-palm).
16Of course Raegar had his dragon, the young Dragon Fala.